Uttar Pradesh minister Asim Arun, a former IPS officer, shared a heartfelt tribute to Ratan Tata on Thursday, recalling how during his stint with the elite Special Protection Group in 2007-08, he......
Tamil Nadu -- often dubbed as India’s own Detroit due to its thriving automobile manufacturing ecosystem -- is in no mood to miss the EV bus either. Recent developments attest to it.......
Auto makers Tata Motors and General Motors India on Monday announced they will cut prices of their products after Finance Minister P Chidambaram decided to reduce excise on automobiles in the......
Five years after Tata Motors, India’s biggest automobile company, bought controlling stake in Jaguar-Land Rover, the company is moving towards tapping the potential of the British company.......
After a three-year hiatus, Tata Motors, India’s fourth-largest car maker, will launch two all-new products next year. The new products - a hatchback and compact sedan - will be launched at......
The last completely new product Tata Motors, India’s largest automobile maker, launched was the Aria, about two years ago. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of an event in Pune, Managing......