When Delhi High Court on Friday sought to draw a line for the electronic media in the Uma Khurana 'expose' case, it only gave vent to seething frustration in the minds of the 'exposed' -- that TV......
Uttar Pradesh The Samajwadi Party is emerging as the single largest party in Uttar Pradesh by leading in 190 of the total 403 seats in the assembly. The Bahujan Samaj Party, which had won an......
Sometime last week there was an interesting seminar on media held at New Delhi's India Habitat Centre. Inaugurated by Jaipal Reddy, minister, information & broadcasting -- who attended the seminar......
Like your colleagues who throw a warm farewell for you when you leave after putting in substantial years, your employer too has a small, but significant, way of singing 'he's a jolly good fellow'......
sriramanv:Ramesh, Are you satisfied with your favourite Nucleus Results?Ramesh S Damani:Hello everybody thanks for joining. Let's start. Nucleus results were excellent. They had a great......
'Public driving ranges will help children to practice their skills and then they come at golf courses to follow their dream and passion.' IMAGE: Aditi Ashok plays a shot from the fourth tee during......
Jyoti Randhawa, after finishing 14th at the Singapore Open on Sunday, will be flying straight to the Garden City of Bangalore to take part in the Hero Honda Open South, at the pristine Karnataka......
Jeev Milkha Singh's much-awaited return to the Hero Honda Indian Golf Tour ended in disappointment when he was knocked out in the opening round of the Rs one millionSRF Matchplay Golf Championship,......