The Mumbai police on Thursday told a court in Mumbai that there is a possibility of an 'international connection' in the recent firing outside Bollywood actor Salman Khan's residence. IMAGE:......
It's boom time for election-bound Gujarat as Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi's government has been announcing project after project before the dates for the assembly election are announced......
The regional States will be worried that the US's nascent engagement with the Taliban behind the fig leaf of humanitarian aid enables the return of US intelligence personnel to Afghanistan,......
The Islamic State, also known by its Arabic acronym 'Daesh', is reportedly in the process of establishing a strong footprint across Pakistan, and especially in the border areas near Afghanistan.......
Identifying terror emanating from Pakistan as the "greatest threat" to regional peace and stability, India and Afghanistan have said that setting up an effective counter-terror framework to deal......
That's a 17th century Indian border print that was popular in Persia," says Dr Ruth Barnes, looking at the leaf-like motif print on my skirt. "Border prints tend to last longest - like the......
Chandigarh has emerged as the cleanest city in India as per a study conducted by the ministry of urban development. Dancers perform during the Republic Day celebrations in the northern......
Those who think climbing Mt Everest is all about grit and stamina, they are mistaken. Scaling the world's highest peak also involves a lot of money running into as much as Rs 20 lakhs (Rs 2......
Here's a five-part series on smart cities. We begin with Surat as the city prepares for a new future. IMAGE: There will be a world of difference from how things are now in......
Richardson and Cruddas Limited, Khatau Makani Spinning and Weaving Mill, and Mafatlal Industries were among the 10 top defaulting establishments in Maharashtra who had failed to pay up their......