As many as 64.64 crore voters exercised their franchise in the Lok Sabha polls held earlier this year with women voters outnumbering men, according to statistical data released by the Election......
More than 12 lakh sugarcane cutters from Marathwada, north Maharashtra, and Vidarbha could miss their opportunity to vote in the upcoming state assembly elections on November 20. Photograph: ANI......
'That was my mistake.''Gautam Adani was not involved in forming the Maharashtra government.''Adani was not there in the meeting.''The meeting was at his guest house and we were sitting in his guest......
The Biden administration's failure in stopping two major wars and several minor ones was seen as a major disaster by many Americans and the world at large, observes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.......
If the BJP has to work as a junior partner of Vijay's TVK, then either the party will have to change the state leader, or the latter should change himself.Incidentally, ever since Vijay started......
Dhoni endorses 42 brands to Bachchan's 41 and SRK's 34. IMAGE: Mahendra Singh Dhoni at the M A Chidambaram stadium in Chennai. Photograph: ANI Photo At 43, Mahendra Singh Dhoni remains the crown......