Jeetega Bharat has selected 125 Lok Sabha seats across the country where it will assist the Opposition alliance. IMAGE: Yogendra Yadav, the political activist, speaks at the Jeetega India, Banega......
In a show of strength, hundreds of women are expected to drive tractors at 'Kisan Gantantra Parade' on Republic Day, as a large number of farmers opposing the new agriculture laws will enter the......
The dissident group in the Aam Aadmi Party on Tuesday announced its future course of action, including a National Convenor of the "movement" and taking out a country-wide Swaraj Yatra. Anand Kumar,......
'ADR's success is its ability to remain non-partisan for a very long period, sheer professionalism and tenacity, and that makes it one of the good things to happen to our democracy.'Shubhomoy......