Reserve Bank of India Deputy Governor S S Mundra said the latest April-June earnings from state-owned lenders showed "stability" in terms of non-performing assets (NPAs), but added the central bank......
India's current account deficit reached $8.2 billion, or 1.6 percent of gross domestic product, in the October-December quarter, lower than the previous quarter but double from a year earlier, the......
Bankers and government officials told Reuters Rajan's successor may be less aggressive in fighting bad loans, but the general direction will remain the same India's move to clean up the books of......
New Delhi was reluctant to spook investors by clipping the bank's wings Prime Minister Narendra Modi sank his finance minister's plans to strip powers from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) last......
The Indian government on Monday forecast annual economic growth to accelerate to 7.4 percent in the fiscal year ending in March 2015 after Asia's third-largest economy grew 7.5 percent in the......