Hindustan Motors on Friday said it has started local assembly of sports utility vehicle Pajero Sport from its Japanese partner Mitsubishi's stable, making the vehicle cheaper by Rs 180,000. The......
With Mitsubishi pulling the plug on it the days of the Pajero maybe over, but nobody who ever owned one will forget it. Some even learnt life-long lessons from it, says Pavan Lall. Photographs:......
Indian SUV market is on the brink of a major revolution and Mitsubishi Pajero Sport launch seems to have triggered the same.The sizzling hot Mitsubishi Pajero Sport is powered by 178 PS 4000 Nm 2.5......
Observing that the business of the company was under ‘strain’, C K Birla Group company Hindustan Motors has sought the shareholders approval through a postal ballot for about Rs 150......
Mitsubishi Motors will be strengthening its position in the high growth sports utility vehicle market by launching the all-new Outlander in early 2008. Targeting the semi-premium SUV segment, the......