Uttar Pradesh government on Monday recommended a CBI probe into the Mohalalganj rape and murder case of a 36-year-old woman. The victim's family members have been on a hunger strike demanding a CBI......
A 30-year-old woman's body was found near a village school in Uttar Pradesh's Mohanlalganj area. Sharat Pradhan reports that the victim was brutally stabbed and then left to bleed. First......
Amidst rise in cases of crime against women, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav on Tuesday directed that martial arts training for girls should be introduced in schools and colleges so......
Activists and family members of the 30-year-old victim cry foul as the police claim that the woman wasn’t gang-raped and that a single man murdered her with his helmet after she fought back.......
Uttar Pradesh Police on Sunday arrested a guard of a private security firm in connection with the murder of a 35-year-old woman in Mohanlalganj area of the city, and said that the autopsy findings......