Kerala Chief Minister Oomen Chandy on Friday ruled out re-investigation in the Suryanelli rape case that has returned to haunt Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman P J Kurien. "After fresh revelations, we......
In a major relief to Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman P J Kurien, the Sessions Court in Thodupuzha, Kerala, on Saturday dismissed a petition filed by the victim in the Suryanelli rape case, seeking......
The Kerala government on Thursday 1submitted in the high court that a Public Interest Litigation seeking further investigation against Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman P J Kurien in the nearly......
In yet another twist to the nearly two-decade-old Suryanelli sex scandal, the lone convict in the case, Dharmarajan on Wednesday retracted his allegation that Congress leader and Rajya Sabha Deputy......
The Suryanelli gang rape victim on Friday withdrew her request to appoint special prosecutors to contest the appeals of the 35 accused in the case in the Kerala high court. However, the court......