The Bombay high court on Wednesday granted bail to researcher Rona Wilson and activist Sudhir Dhawale, arrested in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case, noting that they were in jail since 2018 and......
The Bombay high court on Tuesday sought assistance of Maharashtra's Advocate General on the legal issues involved in a petition filed by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi challenging the defamation......
The Bombay high court on Monday extended till January 25, 2023, the relief granted to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi from appearance before a local court in a defamation complaint pertaining to his......
The Bombay High Court on Monday directed a local court to defer hearing on a defamation complaint filed against Rahul Gandhi beyond December 20, which means the Congress leader would not be......
The Maharashtra government as well as the National Investigation Agency on Wednesday opposed applications for 'default' bail filed by some of the accused in the Elgar Parishad-Maoists links case......