Congress MP Adhir Choudhury has pegged the loss at Rs 17,000 crore. Frustrated depositors and agents on Saturday vented their anger by ransacking Saradha offices across West Bengal. An agent in......
Ace Indian paddlers Sharath Kamal and Subhajit Saha will feature in the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Pro Tour Grand Finals that gets underway in Seoul from December 16-19. The duo,......
National champion Subhajit Saha scripted a major upset, shocking third seed Thiago Monteiro of Brazil to advance to the quarter-finals of the inaugural Indian Open table tennis championships. The......
Achantha Sharath Kamal and Mouma Das suffered contrasting semi-final defeats in the singles as India rounded up its Commonwealth Table Tennis Championships campaign without a gold medal, in Delhi,......
Olympic-bound paddlers, Soumyajit Ghosh and Ankita Das, will spearhead Indian challenge in men's and women's competitions respectively at the Swedish Open to be held at Helsingborg between June 7......
Ace paddlers Achanta Sharath Kamal and Poulumi Ghatak will lead a six-member Indian team in the Olympic Qualification Tournament to be held in Hong Kong from April 19 to 22. The six-member Indian......