'After his warm and affectionate farewell speech, the Chief of Staff of the formation asked me, "So, now you are off to Coorg to look after your coffee estates?"'For the last time, in Army uniform......
Now that the Telangana state has taken birth with a chief minister at the helm, Vicky Nanjappa / Rediff.com gives a lowdown on the changes that people, who were once part of the united Andhra......
Monthly mobile phone bills for users on the move could soar as short messaging service roaming charges have gone up considerably.Cellular service providers have levied a 15 per cent surcharge on......
The Department of Telecom is simplifying the dialling process for long distance calls by merging STD (standard trunk dialing) codes in the country.The move, which would result in the current 2,645......
Hello! The good times are rolling for telecom users in India. You can now talk, talk and talk. . . without worrying about huge, shocking bills. For the first time, you can call any landline or......
Prepaid mobile customers should opt for higher value STD vouchers and plans that offer the maximum talk time. Actor Aamir Khan's latest advertisement shows him using a mobile phone handset that can......