The Vishva Hindu Parishad on Sunday said 'some people' have been seeking funds in the name of the Ayodhya Ram temple trust without any approval and a complaint has been made to Uttar Chief Minister......
As many as 14 couples from various parts of the country will perform the duty of 'yajmans' (hosts) during the Ram temple consecration ceremony in Ayodhya on January 22. IMAGE: Rituals being......
With the countdown to the grand 'Pran-Pratishtha' ceremony of Ram Lalla in Ayodhya underway, the idol carved by sculptor Yogiraj Arun from Karnataka has been finalised for the consecration at the......
A book on Ayodhya, a metal diya, a special mala and a scarf bearing the name of Lord Ram are among the items that have been gifted to the guests who attended the consecration ceremony at the temple......
The Ram temple trust is yet to take a final decision on which of the three Ram Lalla idols being sculpted over the past months will be installed at the temple here, those associated with the trust......