The Delhi high court on Monday told low-cost carrier SpiceJet Ltd to pay Rs 50 crore to former promoter Kalanithi Maran and KAL Airways within six weeks, as part of an arbitral award of 2018.......
SpiceJet’s resurgence, once the new funding is in place, has the potential to disrupt the Indian aviation market in 2024 as the airline will bring its grounded aircraft back to service and......
IndiGo’s size should be compared with global carriers, and not other domestic airlines, chief executive officer Pieter Elbers said on Tuesday, adding that such benchmarking will help India......
It is in talks with multiple private equity investors as it tries to sell shares in the logistics arm to raise money. SpiceJet, India’s second-largest private airline, kicked off the process......
The question many are asking is whether Singh, who leads from the front and has often been accused of micromanaging his carrier, will have the bandwidth to bid for Air India while keeping his own......