A Delhi court on Thursday allowed the applications of NewsClick founder Prabir Purkayastha and human resources head Amit Chakravarty, arrested in a case lodged under anti-terror law UAPA over......
A hit-and-run case in which a 20-year-old woman was dragged to death while she was trapped under a car in the Kanjhawala area in Delhi on new year's day was a "horrific incident" where the four......
A Delhi court on Saturday recorded the statement of two police officials in a case in which a 52-year-old Danish woman was allegedly gang raped by nine persons last year. Additional Sessions Judge......
A Delhi court on Tuesday declared Uber rape cab case accused Shiv Kumar Yadav guilty of raping a 25-year-old woman passenger in Delhi last year. The arguments for quantum of punishment will be......
The woman executive, who was allegedly raped by the driver of the United States-based cab service provider Uber, on Saturday told a city court that the accused had forced upon her and it was not a......