Union Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav made the following speech while presenting the Railway Budget for 2004-2005 in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday (July 6, 2004)."Mr Speaker Sir,I rise to present the......
IMAGE: India's javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra (Image used for representational purposes). Photograph: Facebook Indian Olympic Association President Narinder Batra on Saturday said he will again......
Claiming that Indian Olympic Association chief Abhay Singh Chautala was ineligible to attend the August 25 Special General Body Meeting in Delhi, Clean Sports India president Ashwini Nachappa has......
'I believe there will be some treatment (of coronavirus) by September or October this year. We (India) have to plan ourselves thinking that Olympics will be held.' IMAGE: IOA President Narinder......
Notwithstanding the IOC ban on the country, India will host the prestigious Asian Athletics Championships in Chennai in July as the continental athletics body gave its go-ahead to the event, in......
Faced with the threat of de-recognition from the Sports Ministry, the Athletics Federation of India on Sunday removed a contentious clause from its constitution and called for re-election to three......