India Ratings on Thursday said that any broad-based or strong recovery in corporate capital expenditure was unlikely in the upcoming financial year 2026 (FY26) due to uncertainty of domestic and......
Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s call for making lending rates affordable may not resonate anytime soon as banks still struggle with margin compression, and await clues from the......
The need for money among banks, especially for short-term funds, may turn more intense in the last month of the financial year to feed the demand for capital for tax payments and meet year-end......
The Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI’s) decision to withdraw the incremental cash reserve ratio (I-CRR) is expected to benefit banks during the festival season. Illustration: Uttam......
The Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI’s) outstanding net forward purchases of US dollars fell by more than 50 per cent from the last quarter of FY22 to $30.86 billion in the June quarter......