Malayalam hit Manjummel Boys is the latest to receive a legal notice by legendary music director Ilaiyaraaja for unauthorised use of his hit song, 'Kanmani Anbodu' from the film Gunaa. IMAGE:......
Pravinkoodu Shappuis a quirky whodunnit with its fair share of laughs, observes Arjun Menon. The Agatha Christie who dunnit template offers a goldmine of opportunities for storytellers, and......
'Content' is an ugly word used to tie together a myriad of stories out there but the market seems to respond to it. Audiences seem to prefer experiential, novel stories over stale, formulaic films.......
With the Lok Sabha elections going on, May is rather quiet when it comes to theatre releases. This, even though summer is considered to be the most lucrative season for new movies since school and......
The film's focus lies in humanising a larger-than-life star and breaking down his celebrity, aimed at a simplistic takedown of the 'superstar' myth, observes Arjun Menon. Among many thing, Nadikar......
Manjummel Boys gets so many things right, applauds Arjun Menon. Manjummel Boys, the directorial outing from Chidambaram of Jaan E Man (2021) fame, is a self-contained friendship story, punched up......