Sebi has decided to make electronic payments mandatory for demat account holders to ensure quicker transactions. Photograph: Francis Mascarenhas/Reuters The Sebi board on Wednesday approved a......
Stock exchanges have intensified vigil on Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) listings by mandating more comprehensive financial disclosures and enhanced monitoring of utilisation of issue proceeds......
The initial public offerings (IPOs) by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) hit a new high in 2023-2024 (FY24). Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ In this financial year, data from the Prime......
In the current calendar year, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have witnessed an impressive surge in initial public offerings (IPOs), surpassing the 2018 record. Illustration: Dominic......
Sebi has proposed an overhaul of the SME IPO rules to curb instances of fund diversion and malpractices. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ Of the total 199 small and medium enterprises......