SkodaAuto India Ltd on Thursday said it would make India an export hub for the company in South Asian region."We have already started exporting to Bangladesh in July and now we are looking at......
Czech car-maker Skoda on Tuesday said it will introduce a small car in the Indian market in early 2012, which will be priced at Rs 3-5 lakh (Rs 300,000-500,000). The company, a part of the......
Twenty six years after revolutionising personal transportation in India, Maruti Suzuki will bid adieu to its once bread-and-butter model M800 from 13 cities on Thursday as new emission norm comes......
SkodaAuto India is looking to derive significant benefits from the expansion of its German parent, Volkswagen, in the country. SkodaAuto, which was the first VW group firm to enter the domestic......
Volkswagen, who? That's the common question the bosses at the world's third largest car maker faced every time they made a marketing pitch in India. While its two sister brands -- Audi and......