Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday provided little relief to salaried class as benefits under the proposed Rs 40,000 standard deduction will be neutralised to a large extent by inclusion of......
The compliance window is proposed to be open from June 1 to September 30, 2016 and the payment can be made within two months of declaration. In a stern warning to black money holders, the......
Besides making property more expensive, these also affect the existing owners with higher taxes Not so long ago, potential property buyers were being told prices were under pressure and......
If fringe benefit tax makes a comeback in the forthcoming Budget, there could be some tightening of tax evasion When your company gives you performance-linked bonus in kind -- say a fully paid......
Of the 700-odd Indians having foreign bank accounts, not all can be deemed to be operating these illegally. An Indian resident is allowed to open an foreign bank account under the Liberalised......