Bharti Airtel promoter Bharti Telecom will buy a 3.33 per cent Airtel stake from Singtel for 2.25 billion Singapore dollars or about Rs 12,895 crore in 90 days' time, the telecom operator said on......
Singtel had acquired an economic interest in Bharti Airtel back in 2000. India’s telecom sector continues to hold promise for strategic foreign investors. On Thursday, Singtel announced it......
Bharti Airtel is not new to Gopal Vittal, having first worked with the company from 2006-08.Still, navigating the company as its chief operating officer at a time when the industry is going through......
The sale proceeds will be fully utilised to repay debt at Bharti Telecom and will make the promoter holding firm a 'debt free company'. Promoter firm Bharti Telecom has sold 2.75 per cent stake in......
The board of Bharti Airtel approved the rights issue to raise up to Rs 25,000 crore through the issuance of fully paid up shares at a price of Rs 220 per share and to raise an......