We are in a general commodity correction wherein we must expect all commodities to bottom more or less simultaneously since money is fungible and you have no means of knowing which bull is trapped......
Clearly the DXY is overbought and needs to work off overbought conditions. That will trigger consolidation in US equity markets that are just as overbought, says Sonali Ranade The US dollar......
There is no indication that the rally in the dollar is likely to end soon, says Sonali Ranade The week past was really about the onset of deep correction in commodity prices triggered by a......
Don't catch falling knives or chase bear rallies no matter how enticing those eight pc green blips look. They may be mouse traps, warns Sonali Ranade I have long held that we are likely to......
Hoard cash. There will be plenty of time and opportunity at far lower levels, warns Sonali Ranade in her weekly Market NotesCommodity markets have been marking time, waiting for the equity markets......