On the Digital India initiative, Pichai said India was undergoing its own revolution Ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Silicon Valley in the US, Google chief executive Sundar......
Slowing funding cycles for early-stage companies, freshers opting for more established firms, and many opting for places with better infrastructure, are all slowly taking away Koramangala’s......
I have no hesitation to say that the cultural milieu is different, said chairman R Seshasayee in a rare media interaction. Image: Infosys founders, from left, Nandan Nilekani and Kris......
The US president-elect met Silicon Valley’s most powerful executives -- CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Tim Cook of Apple, Elon Musk from Tesla, Larry Page and Eric......
Modi has accelerated efforts to make India the next driver in innovation, Sunder Pichai said. Top CEOs of American companies, which have played a key role in IT revolution the world is......