Siddharth Varadarajan, Editor-in-Chief of The Hindu, announced his resignation from the newspaper on Twitter on Friday, two years after he took over the reins from N Ram as the first professional......
The Wire Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief Siddharth Varadarajan's home in New Delhi was raided by a Delhi police team on Monday, October 31, 2022. The raid was conducted in connection with an FIR......
The Delhi police on Monday searched the houses of The Wire's founding editor Siddharth Varadarajan and deputy editor M K Venu in connection with a now retracted story related to the BJP's IT......
News portal The Wire has filed a police complaint against its former consultant Devesh Kumar in connection with a now retracted story related to Bharatiya Janata Party's IT department head Amit......
Delhi Police on Saturday filed an FIR against news portal The Wire and its editors on a complaint by Bharatiya Janata party IT department head Amit Malviya accusing the media outlet of......
K Balaji, managing director of Kasturi and Sons Ltd that publishes The Hindu newspaper, and five other senior members of the Kasturi family will step down from their respective positions in the......
The battle for power within Kasturi and Sons, which runs the The Hindu daily, has once again moved to the courts.A group of 11 members from the family which comprises the shareholders has moved the......