Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday briefly interacted with his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif in Paris on the sidelines of a United Nations summit on climate change. The two leaders......
A cinemagoer walks part a hoarding for a film in New Delhi. Photograph: Kamal Kishore/Reuters The world did watch a lot of porn in 2015. Like, a LOT! Interestingly, Indian porn watchers surpassed......
Modi Kaka exploded not two days ago on the Internet, and apart from evoking surprise, mild amusement and horror, it established a simple fact: What sycophants think and actually end up doing. When......
California... Dubai.. and now London! NaMo is all set for his next phoren jaunt, this time to E-n-gl-a-n-d. In London, the self-proclaimed ex-chaiwallah will lunch with Liz R, plus, of course,......
North Korea on Wednesday claimed that it has successfully conducted the test of a hydrogen bomb. If these reports are true, it means that it possesses something much more powerful than it has......
Just as unregulated unauthorised hawkers and their shops can kill a city, some space needs to be carved out for distinctive affordable street food, says Shubir Roy. At Rs 5 per small glass of tea......
An unlikely combination of ingredients is what brings out Conjuring 2’s gloomy, dark power, feels Shubir Rishi/ The original Conjuring about a haunted farmhouse somewhere in......
Shubir Rishi feels that A Good Day to Die Hard is eminently watchable, but the stupendously weak script lets it down.While watching Bruce Willis in A Good Day to Die Hard, I......
Shubir Rishi feels Khiladi 786 is a wannabe funny movie, an assault on our collective intellect.Disclaimer: The writer of this review has been brought up on a constant diet of bad-good movies such......
Love Charger (or Charzerr) exploded on the scene last year, and has become somewhat of a cult now – the chubby arms raised high in the air, the falsetto that nearly knocks you out, the......
'Saif Ali Khan. Okay, the blonde get-up as the pretend-Russian-Mafiosi suits him. So do the sunglasses. The Russian part does not...'.'I think he got the most substandard one-liners in the movie.......