Within days of regulator Sebi's barb, listed companies have begun running from pillar to post to appoint women directors on their respective boards with at least 50 such appointments being made......
It is a tough call for investors in a company that is getting into corporate debt restructuring. On the one hand, there is a sense of relief because the company will get more time and, most likely,......
The Securities and Exchange Board of India said it is 'closely watching' investments made by New York-based hedge fund Galleon, whose Sri Lankan founder Raj Rajaratnam was arrested for alleged......
Investors have lost around Rs 3,000 crore (Rs 30 billion) so far as 13 of the 18 initial public offerslisted during the current calendar year till date are trading at a discount. The loss accounts......
India's largest private sector power producer, Tata Power Company, has called off its plan to sell 15 per cent stake in two special purpose vehicles (SPVs) owning coal mines in Indonesia to private......