With auctions unable to proceed, the median onion price declined 17 per cent or Rs 6 a kg to trade at Rs 30 a kg on Monday, with arrivals of around 500 tonnes. Onion auctions at the......
However, onion arrivals have been normal with farmers bringing in 1,400 tonnes of the bulb to Lasalgaon on Friday, substantially lower than 2,429 tonnes on Thursday, but there is no dearth of......
At Rs 5 a kg in Lasalgaon mandi, the price is 10% lower than average cost of production Onion prices fell to the lowest level of this season at Rs 5 a kg, also the lowest in nearly two......
Traders say prices will remain elevated due to increased demand, lower availability Onion prices saw a remarkable jump, hitting an eight-month high on account of a sharp increase in demand by......
The concept of gold as an asset capable of getting anytime money is evaporating. Gold has traditionally been considered this country’s most liquid asset -- at any time, people were prepared......