Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad, who has been banned from flying by several airlines after he assaulted an Air India staffer on March 23, reached Delhi on Wednesday via a chartered flight, according......
SpiceJet today cancelled the ticket of Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad, who has been barred by domestic airlines from flying after he assaulted an Air India staffer last month. After Air India and......
Refusing to apologise to the Air India official whom he allegedly thrashed, Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad on Saturday said he would only tender an apology to Parliament for disrespecting its......
A Shiv Sena MP on Thursday repeatedly hit an elderly Air India officer with sandal in a brazen burst of fury over being unable to travel business class despite having insisted on boarding an......
A shocking incident of misuse of power has come to light in national capital New Delhi where 11 Shiv Sena Members of Parliament are reported to have forced a Muslim worker to break his Ramzan fast......
The Centre on Friday unveiled the first-ever guidelines on no-fly list under which air travellers can now be banned from flying for a period ranging from three months to lifetime for unruly......
'The DGCA may require airlines to install CCTV cameras on all flights and retain the footage in case of unruly behaviour.''Else, it would be left to individual interpretation of the involved......