The Bombay high court on Wednesday rejected the bail plea of former media baron Peter Mukerjea, arrested in the 2012 murder case of Sheena Bora, his wife Indrani’s daughter from an earlier......
Byculla Women’s prison authorities on Wednesday informed a Metropolitan Magistrate court that Indrani Mukerjea, main accused in the sensational Sheena Bora murder case, was suffering......
The Bombay High Court on Monday asked the Central Bureau of Investigation for its response on the bail plea of former media baron Peter Mukerjea, arrested for his alleged involvement in the murder......
Former media baron Peter Mukejea on Saturday underwent a lie-detector test in connection with the three-year old sensational murder of his step daughter Sheena Bora. Central Bureau of Investigation......
Alleged taped conversations among Indrani Mukerjea, Peter Mukerjea and his son Rahul Mukerjea emerged in the media on Thursday, indicating that there was an attempt to cover up the Sheena......
Another season of these legal antics would be welcome, applauds Deepa Gahlot. The legal system in India is mostly a farce, so it is just waiting to be turned into a comedy or satire. The......
If Indrani Mukerjea wanted to whitewash her image, this docu series was not the right platform, asserts Deepa Gahlot. The Sheena Bora murder case had all the ingredients that makes the media......