Tensions between the United States and Russia have reached new heights amid the ongoing Ukraine conflict, with a series of developments marking a dangerous escalation. IMAGE: Ukrainian service......
India is a great power that determines its national interests and chooses its partners, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said, describing as “completely unjustified” the......
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for trying to help find a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis. IMAGE: Prime Minister Narendra Modi exchanges......
Delhi's appeasement strategy may now translate as more mega arms deals with the US, generating substantial business and job creation in the American economy.Make no mistake, Americans will use it......
'Disengagement is merely the first step in a lengthy process of arriving at a new normal along the LAC in Eastern Ladakh and the entire land boundary.''The Indian government should insist on the......
Russia on Thursday said it was not bothered at a possible price cap on its crude oil proposed by the West, saying Moscow will negotiate directly with its partners like India and China as the price......