The Lok Sabha session was on Wednesday brought to a sudden end, two days before the scheduled culmination of the session during which the budgetary exercise was the highlight. Ten bills, including......
Parliament lost over 106 hours during the month-long Winter session which was marred by turmoil over issues like FDI and quota in promotions, but managed to pass some key legislations including......
Congress leaders call it political vendetta while the government dismisses it as rule of law -- the National Herald case against the Gandhis has taken a crucial turn with a Delhi court directing......
Interestingly, in his entire remarks, Modi never once mentioned regional security, Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar points out. IMAGE: Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi with United States......
Has the Modi government been more at odds with institutions than other governments? There is no doubt that there have been more run-ins. While the RBI and CBI cases have drawn attention, there have......
The government on Monday introduced a bill in Lok Sabha aimed at discouraging borrowers to postpone repayment of their dues and enable the secured creditor to speedily recover their debts including......
Public sector banks accounted for over 90 per cent of total non-performing assets (NPAs) that the banking sector registered in 2013-14. Of Rs 2.40 lakh crore (Rs 2.40 trillion) gross NPAs reported......
Pushing the financial reforms agenda, the government plans to introduce as many as seven Bills in the Budget session, including the one for development and regulation of micro finance......
From almost 60 per cent as of December 2019, the share of liquidations in the mode of closure of total Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) cases came down to 44 per cent till September 2023, data......
Finance Minister P Chidambaram on Tuesday said the government will tighten the delisting norms for companies.Replying to a debate on the Securities Law (Amendment) Bill and Enforcement of Security......