Markets watchdog Sebi on Thursday said it will slap a fresh show cause notice on ZEEL founder chairman Subhash Chandra, and his son Punit Goenka as it vowed to continue the investigation into......
Reliance General Insurance Company (RGIC), a subsidiary of Reliance Capital, finds itself in a bind as the Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) has issued multiple Show Cause Notices......
'There are unscrupulous traders who create fake invoices by showing bogus e-way bills, movement of goods.''Since the entities registered across different states, and kept on changing their numbers,......
It is the biggest issue we have ever faced in the securities market, where a sensitive and systemically important institution and first-line regulator was not only exploited by unscrupulous......
The NSE held 25 to 100 per cent stakes in these entities through its subsidiary NSE Investments as of September. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on Thursday levied a penalty of......