The Maharashtra Bharatiya Janata Party on Wednesday requested President Pratibha Patil not to visit the plant of Schreiber Dynamix Dairies Ltd in Baramati on June 9. State BJP spokesman Madhav......
The two parties have also approached the Delhi high court pleading that two earlier court orders be modified allowing Bakshi to sell his shares in Connaught Plaza Restaurant to McDonald's......
Prices of milk and derivatives such as cheese, butter, curd and skimmed milk powder were subdued for two years, on a supply surplus. Dairy companies are planning to raise milk prices by Rs 2-4 a......
To keep competitors at bay, GCMMF has drawn up an expansion blueprint worth Rs 800 crores for the domestic market. IMAGE: GCMMF, the company behind the brand, hopes to take its turnover from Rs......
It is the evening of October 12, 2004 and Baramati's narrow market square, Bhegon Chowk, is overflowing with farm hands who have come to hear their hero, Sharad Pawar, speak.He will address his......