The latest updates from the Malayalam film industry. Mammootty is currently shooting for Peranbu, directed by Tamil director Ram of Katrathu Tamizh and Thanga Meenkal fame. Produced by P L......
It's Mohanlal versus Manju Warrier this weekend! Mohanlal and Manju Warrier were seen together earlier this year in Satyan Anthikkad’s Ennum Eppozhum. This weekend, they will battle it out......
The last big hit in Malayalam was Vellimoonga, which came out towards the end of 2014. This year so far has not been good for Malayalam films and so all eyes are on the Vishu releases. Here’s......
Here's the lowdown from the Malayalam film industry. Image: Mohanlal and Archana in Mythri Mohanlal has several films awaiting release. There is his Vishu release, Ennum Eppozhum, with Manju......
Jayaram is back!Jayaram, one of the most talented actors in Malayalam, is back in business after Yatrakkarude Sraddhakku has become a hit. The film, directed by Satyan Anthikkad, has been......