Capital market regulator Sebi said it has imposed a penalty of Rs 65 lakh (Rs 6.5 million) on a senior official of the then Satyam Computer Services Ltd for alleged violations of insider trading......
Satyam Computer Services Ltd launched its development centre in the Guangzhou Software Park in China on Wednesday - the third such centre. Currently, the 500-square metre facility, which is......
Satyam Computer Services Ltd was beset by selling as a drop in Q3 net profit set concerns about the entire tech sector. The scrip of the fourth largest Indian software exporter got drubbed 4% to Rs......
Four former employees of IT major Satyam Computers Services Ltd and a former auditor of PricewaterhouseCoopers, arrested for their alleged roles in multi-crore accounting fraud involving the......
The Andhra Pradesh High Court on Tuesday stayed a provisional order of Enforcement Directorate attaching Rs 822 crore (Rs 8.22 billion) deposit belonging to Mahindra Satyam in a money laundering......