The actor launched the Paani Foundation, which has participation from businessmen like Mukesh Ambani, Ratan Tata, Kumar Mangalam Birla and others, reports Urvi Malvania Aamir Khan and his......
Like a good friend, Aamir Khan held a promotional press conference for Darsheel Safary's Zokkomon at his building in Bandra, western suburb of Mumbai. The film releases tomorrow. The actor was......
Yes, you have seen him before. In many, many movies.If you still can't get it, this is Anupam Kher!The actor looks completely different in his forthcoming film Zokkomon, in which he has a double......
The latest Bollywood updates. Ram Madhvani's directorial venture Neerja, starring Sonam Kapoor, is all to release worldwide on February 19. However, the biopic has been banned in Pakistan.......
'My patience level has increased and I have stopped being judgmental. I have become more mature with Satyamev Jayate.' Aamir Khan gets serious. “It has been an encouraging journey so far. I......
Aamir Khan launched the title song of his first television show Satyamev Jayate at The Lalit, in Andheri, a western suburb of Mumbai. The show is directed by Satyajit Bhatkal, a close friend of......