A local court in Mumbai on Thursday allowed the Central Bureau of Investigation to question afresh Indrani Mukerjea and two other arrested accused in the Sheena Bora murder case. “We want to......
A magistrate court on Monday extended the judicial custody of former media baron Peter Mukerjea till January 11 in the Sheena Bora murder case. “The judicial custody is extended till January......
A Mumbai magistrate court on Monday extended the judicial custody of former media baron Peter Mukerjea till December 28 in the Sheena Bora murder case even as he moved an application seeking......
The Central Bureau of Investigation on Monday told a special court in Mumbai that Indrani Mukerjea, prime accused in the sensational Sheena Bora murder case, and her husband former media baron......
The Central Bureau of Investigation, which is probing the sensational Sheena Bora murder case, on Saturday told a special court in Mumbai that prime accused Indrani Mukerjea had informed her......