Uttar Pradesh chief secretary Manoj Kumar Singh has said that 35 crore pilgrims are expected to attend the Maha Kumbh Mela taking place in the vicinity of Sangam - the confluence of rivers Ganga,......
An Odisha-based woman with mental illness, who has previously worked as a researcher, was kidnapped and gang-raped in the Sarai Kale Khan area of New Delhi last month and three men have been......
For Yogi Adityanath the successful management of the Kumbh Mela is a crucial part of building 'Brand UP' and making the state a $1 trillion economy. IMAGE: Members of the Panchdashnaam Avahan......
The National Democratic Alliance government has asked states to emulate the Gujarat water management model to address the problem of water scarcity.The Centre has forwarded a compact disc received......
Manoj Tiwari is the only sitting MP whom the BJP has retained. IMAGE: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi with Kanhaiya Kumar, the party candidate from the North East Delhi constituency, at an election......
Notwithstanding expectations of a pick-up in construction activity during a seasonally strong January-March quarter (fourth quarter) of 2022-23 (FY23), analysts are cautiously optimistic about the......
Though the roads and power portfolios have disappointed private equity (PE) investors, other essential public utilities such as water remain an attractive area.Recently, CLSA Capital Partners, a......
A study by international NGO WaterAid showed if all people waiting for household toilets in India were to stand in a line today, the queue would stretch from earth to moon and beyond.......
41 listed firms made 73 donations to gaushalas (cow shelters) and other cow-related charities over the last four years. The donations range from a few thousand rupees to a million.......
Less than half the number of toilets targeted were constructed, and a third of those which saw the light of day were defunct. They were either incomplete, or poorly constructed, or badly......
Gul Panag found herself accidentally locked in the toilet of a train on her way to Chandigarh. The Dor star was travelling in Shatabdi Express and was worried that the latch was not strong enough......
Salman Khan will perform in a charity show to help the victims of Bihar floods. The show will be held in October, and will be organised by Wizcraft event management company atAndheri Sports Complex......