A monotonous, steady drizzle, from the wee hours of the morning, did not stop thousands of Surat residents from hitting the road at 5.30 am on July 22. Traffic was nastily snarled in the pre-dawn......
Author and co-winner of the Crossword Book Award 2009 in the Fiction category, the much sought after Amitav Ghosh, found himself swamped by admirers at the Crossword Book Award......
United States President Barack Obama is fighting hard to stub the butt. Though not a chain smoker, he reportedly does manage to sneak in a quick smoke often. On Monday, the US......
Here is presenting some of the best pranks on April Fools’ Day this year that people actually fell for! And we are not talking about personal pranks either -- biggies such as Samsung and even......
Electronics major Samsung has received orders for around 1.4 lakh units of its premium smartphone Galaxy S23 worth a total of Rs 1,400 crore on the first day of its pre-booking for the device, a......
Korean electronics major Samsung expects its new foldable devices Galaxy Fold 5 and Galaxy Flip 5 will enable it to capture half of the super premium smartphone segment in India, currently......
The Note’s one-handed mode is retained, in which the whole screen size is reduced, and the edge display fits on to the shrunk window. No one seemed convinced initially of......
Samsung Electronics unveiled a new smartwatch and fitness band along with the latest version of its Galaxy smartphone on Monday, demonstrating how the battleground for innovation is shifting from......
The Samsung Gear smartwatch is nowhere near James Bond's tech devices, but to be able to talk to someone on your watch is no less exciting. The watch that doubles up as a feature phone exemplifies......