The Samajwadi Party would include creation of Vidarbha state in its manifesto for the October 13 assembly elections in Maharashtra."The SP is committed to Vidarbha state. We will contest 25 of the......
The joint committee of Parliament to examine the Waqf (Amendment) Bill will have 31 members -- 21 from the Lok Sabha and 10 from the Rajya Sabha -- and will submit its report by the next session.......
The first session of the 18th Lok Sabha began on Monday, June 24, 2024. A total of 73 women got elected to the 18th Lok Sabha against 78 women MPs in the 17th Lok Sabha. West Bengal leads the race......
As the results for the Lok Sabha elections 2024 were declared on Tuesday, here is how some of the big faces fared in the contest. Complete coverage: India votes 2024 Bharatiya Janata Party's......
Samajwadi Party MP R K Chaudhary's demand to replace the Sengol installed next to the Lok Sabha Speaker's chair with a copy of the Constitution triggered a war of words on Thursday, with opposition......
The Reserve Bank of India has 'not taken on record' the documents filed for investment of Rs 455 crore (Rs 4.55 billion) by Wal-Mart into Bharti group firm Cedar Support Services and alleged FEMA......
On October 10, 50,000 to 100,000 people - representing associations of farmers, traders, hawkers, and even chemists from all over India - will converge on Mumbai's Azad Maidan to demand that big......