The Mumbai traffic police received a threat message demanding Rs 5 crore from Bollywood actor Salman Khan, following which the Crime Branch began a probe, an official said on Friday. IMAGE: Actor......
The Mumbai Police has invoked the stringent Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime (MCOCA) Act in NCP politician Baba Siddique murder case, officials said on Saturday. IMAGE: NCP leader Baba......
The brazen killing of Nationalist Congress Party leader Baba Siddique, famous for his iftar parties and his connections in Bollywood, outside his MLA son Zeeshan Siddique's Mumbai office has again......
The Mumbai police have arrested one more person in connection with the killing of Nationalist Congress Party leader and former Maharashtra minister Baba Siddique, officials said on Tuesday. IMAGE:......
Former Maharashtra minister Baba Siddique, who was shot dead in Mumbai, was a popular figure in Bollywood circles and had earned praise for supplying life-saving medicines to patients during the......
Here's looking at the arrivals. Politician Baba Siddique's Iftar party has always made news, thanks to its superstar guests, and historic moments. At this year's party, celebrated on July 5 at......
It's been two years since Congress politician Baba Siddique and his son Zeeshan Siddique, a Maharashtra MLA, hosted threw their annual, star-studded, Iftar parties. The pandemic had played......
Salman Khan returned to his hosting duties on Bigg Boss 18 just days after his close friend and NCP leader Baba Siddique was killed. In the latest episode, the actor admitted he didn't want to be......
Actor Salman Khan blows a kiss to his fans during an election campaign rally for Congress party candidate Baba Siddique (left), ahead of the Maharashtra state elections, in Mumbai on Thursday.......
The Iftar party you have been waiting for is here! Politician Baba Siddique's annual Iftar party has always seen Bollywood's biggest celebrities, and sometimes even made history. This year, it was......