The Sahara group and its promoter Subrata Roy on Monday faced a tough time in the Supreme Court which pulled them up for not refunding Rs 24,000 crore (Rs 240 billion) to its investors and accused......
Shares of two Sahara firms fell by up to 5 per cent on Wednesday, after the group's chief Subrata Roy and two directors were jailed for a week for not complying with the Supreme Court order on......
Legal woes for Sahara are far from getting over. The Supreme Court on Wednesday once again slapped contempt notices on two Sahara firms -- Sahara India Real Estate Corporation and Sahara Housing......
Sahara Group on Thursday expressed its inability before the Supreme Court to immediately pay Rs 10,000 crore (Rs 100 billion) for securing bail of its chief Subrata Roy and its two directors. The......
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has asked investors in Sahara's collective investment scheme to apply for their refunds by September 30. A half-page newspaper advertisement said......