The Uttarakhand police has sent notices of appearance to Jitendra Narayan Tyagi and Sadhvi Annapurna who are accused of delivering hate speeches against Muslims at a Dharma Sansad held recently in......
Polling will be held on Monday in 49 constituencies in six states and two Union Territories in the fifth phase of Lok Sabha elections that will decide the electoral fate of several prominent......
The Supreme Court on Thursday expressed concern over the holding of events like Dharam Sansad at various places, which allegedly is disturbing communal harmony. "Before they ask to sensitise......
The Uttarakhand Police on Thursday made the first arrest in the Dharma Sansad hate speech case nabbing Waseem Rizvi who is now known as Jitendra Narayan Tyagi from Roorkee in Haridwar district, and......
As a special investigation team began its probe into the recent Haridwar event where hate speeches were delivered against Muslims, a seer on Tuesday said he will 'personally' secure bail for anyone......