The transgender community in Tamil Nadu hopes the bill, once it becomes law, will give them a dignified status and make more private sector jobs available to them, reports R Ramasubramanian in......
A Coimbatore-based transgender has become a trailblazer for her community becoming the first TV transgender news anchor when she went 'live' on Independence day on a private Tamil satellite channel......
The Congress government in Puducherry fell on Monday after Chief Minister V Narayanasamy resigned ahead of the confidence vote sought by him in the assembly after his government was reduced to a......
Murthy said he was anguished by the allegations, tone and tenor of statements made by the Infosys board. As Vishal Sikka, the first non-founder CEO of Infosys abruptly resigned due to the......
Air India has started three flights per week – on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Air India's first non-stop flight from New Delhi to San Francisco has landed in San Francisco amid rousing......