The Securities and Exchange Board of India on Thursday said it has unearthed yet another IPO scam in the public issue of shares of Infrastructure Development Finance Company Ltd.The market......
The Securities and Exchange Board of Indiahas so far collected over Rs 3.5 crore (Rs 35 million) through consent orders passed in the initial public offershare allotment scam of 2006.Sebi wholetime......
The Gujarat high court on Thursday stayed the Securities and Exchange Board of India interim order barring broker Saumil Bhavnagari from dealing in the securities market.Dharmishta Raval, former......
There are 55,000 multiple demat accounts with depository participants, apart from the 50,000 belonging to Roopalben Panchal and associates, unearthed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India......
The Reserve Bank of India is inspecting the books of several banks to probe a possible misuse of the banking system in the IPO scam. The RBI had earlier issued show cause notices to the banks.A......