The Limca Book of Records calls her the shortest girl in the country. According to some surveys, Jyoti Amge, 15, who is just 23 inches tall (1 foot, 11 inches) and weighs only 5......
Oculus Reparo!Wingardium Leviosa!Expecto Patronum! What may seem like Greek to Muggles (non-magic folk or ordinary human beings) spells pure magic for Harry Potter fans throughout the world. To be......
Amidst the doom and gloom that global economies are mired in, especially the hitherto booming infotech industry, there seems to be a dim ray of hope on the horizon. Especially for the Indian IT......
Wizards, spells, magic, sorcery, intrigue... all these and more make the Harry Potter series a hit with audiences all over the world. Potter fans, who have read J K Rowling's best-seller......
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is about bravery, sacrifice, and the risks taken to unearth deep secrets and fight pure evil.But the most awaited film this summer is also about young love......
Three of the most loved characters in cinema -- Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermoine Granger -- will be saying goodbye to us this Friday. Ever since the first Harry Potter released in 2001,......
It's been one helluva rollercoster ride for everybody associated with the Harry Potter franchise -- the people who created it, brought it on screen and the legions of fans that have waited with......
Fans can never get enough of Harry Potter. Every new book or even announcement gets us super excited! We couldn't help but wonder what if the fantasy series was made in India? Who would you cast......
The monsoon has suddenly revived in recent days, giving India much respite from the heat. Bikash Mohaptra picks his favourite games to be played on a rainy day. Raindrops keep fallin' on my......
Having battled with a lingering rib injury for the last two months, India's Jeev Milkha Singh has regained fitness and set his sights on the final major of the year and a possible Presidents Cup......
Reader Mitesh sent us this photograph from Singapore. 'I met Roger Federer at Singapore Airport while I was travelling from Melbourne to Mumbai via Singapore. I met him the very next day......