The Bombay high court on Friday said the death of Anuj Thapan, an accused in the case pertaining to firing outside actor Salman Khan's residence, does not appear to be a custodial death. IMAGE:......
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday handed over keys of houses built on land freed from the 'illegal' possession of slain gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmad under the Pradhan......
Addressing an election meeting on what once was the home turf of slain gangster-politician Atiq Ahmed, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday appeared to invoke nature as a great......
As the dust finally settles on the outcome of the Lok Sabha elections 2019 and Bharatiya Janata Party along with its NDA allies emerges as the clear winner, here is a list of who won in each of the......
The new Lok Sabha will have 300 MPs who have been elected for the first time to the Lower House, including cricketer-turned-politician Gautam Gambhir, Union ministers Ravi Shankar Prasad and Smriti......
LIC contested the insurance claim. Consumer activist Jehangir B Gai tells you how this claim was won. Penti Surender held 10 life insurance policies issued by the Life Insurance Corporation of......
Kanthaswamy, the Tamil movie produced by V Creations and directed by Susi Ganesan, has super hero Chiyan Vikram and Shriya in the lead. With pop-up figures and a push-flap that ejects CD and......
Every Vijay movie has created buzz in the Telugu film industry. The Pokkiri star's Villu -- produced by Ayngaran Internationaland co-starring Nayanthara -- is much anticipated among his fans.......