Patanjali Yogpeeth on Thursday confirmed that it has received a defamation notice served by the Indian Medical Association (IMA), demanding an apology from Yoga Guru Ramdev over remarks on modern......
Savarkar believed Swarajya is more than the mere geographical independence of a stretch of earth called India. There was no point in fighting and sacrificing one's life for a Swarajya (mere......
Just as there is no separate Christian science and Hindu science and Muslim science, there is just science, there is just yoga. The enlightened masters themselves did not bind their teachings in......
If Ramdev weren't a Baba, but a mere salesman, what would he make of a medicine or a herb named Putrajeevak Beej, asks Jyoti Mukul. Baba Ramdev has millions of followers, some of whom I know. What......
2015 is finally coming to an end, and it is that time of the year when we collectively reflect on all that has transpired in Indian politics during the last 12 months. It is also the time for......