Tourism in India has witnessed a sudden spurt as fear of the deadly SARS disease drove tourists away from other destinations in the Far-East, a top official said."There was an increase of 8.5 per......
The latest updates from the Tamil film industry. National award winner Bobby Simha and actress Reshmi Menon are set to tie the knot on April 22. A traditional ceremony will take place at Tirupati......
Four Tamil movies will release this week, and they all look pretty exciting. With the Diwali releases -- Vedalam and Thoongavanam -- still doing good business, the battle for......
Reader Reshmi Menon met Perizaad Kolah Marshall -- who co-hosts The Great Indian Laughter Challenge-- a few months ago, when she visitedan art gallery next to Reshmi's office in Mumbai. Reshmi......
A lowdown on what's happening in the Tamil film industry. The speculation over who will star opposite Rajinikanth in Enthiran 2 have been rife since a long time. According to......
Two successful directors of Malayalam cinema are coming together for the first time to direct a movie. Last year, Diphan, a former associate of Shaji Kailas turned director and tasted huge success......